Yes, it’s hard to believe that September is nearly here and autumn is around the corner. However gorgeous the current Bridges and Rivers exhibit is, there is always a new exhibit on the horizon.
The Art Gone Wild entries have closed, but there’s still time to enter the Art Gone Wild Expanded, a shorter exhibit during the exhibit. For those of you who are NOT artists, just SAVE THE DATE, November 11.
The Wetumpka Wildlife Arts Festival was such a huge success last year that Regions has stepped up to become a leading sponsor this year. The mission of the Wetumpka Wildlife Arts Festival is to gather together artists, outdoor enthusiasts, and the community in order to create, educate, inspire, entertain, and conserve in beautiful Wetumpka, Alabama, where art and nature meet.
Activities will include the wildly popular sports dogs, education by the Alabama Wildlife Federation, plus vendors, food, children’s activities, and demos such as grilling wild game by award-winning Chef Chris Hastings beside our Kelly art exhibit. More details will be announced as the date grows closer, but be sure to keep it on your calendar–not to be missed! See

Wildlife Gone Wild 2023 exhibit at The Kelly