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TWK Welcomes Cam Guarino

Tuesday with Kelly, Feb. 22, noon-1:00 p.m. Bring a sack lunch to eat while listening to Cam Walker Guarino from Selma discuss art. Cam is an art teacher at Morgan Academy Selma and last year Woman in Art Award by the Selma Dallas Chamber of Commerce. She has a very distinct style, an impressionist view of the world. For more than 20 years she’s been showing art and winning ribbons in Montgomery as well as in Selma. She’s a member of the SAC’s Gallery in Montgomery and an extremely active member–usually an officer–for the Selma Art Guild and Gallery.

The photo shows Cam (in red, 2nd from left) with other officers of the Selma Art Guild at their gallery, taken by Libby Christensen 12 years ago (Cam hasn’t changed except her last name–from Walker to Guarino when she got married!)
