First, huge kudos to Martha Colson, The Kelly‘s own Artist Associate, who has sold over $1500 of paintings since the Grand Opening. Great for her and great for The Kelly!
Also, a little earlier this spring, Liphus Swindall won 1st in Opaque Painting a the Society of Arts and Crafts Members’ Show. His work is now included in the “Rivers and Bridges” exhibit.
At the Selma Art Guild Summer Juried Art Exhibition, sometimes exhibitor Jennifer Levins made 1st and 2nd place in dry work while occasional exhibitor Georgia Banks-Martin took 1st and 2nd in photography. Art Associate Libby Christensen won both 1st place for a quilt and 3rd place for a thread bowl in the 3D category.
In June, Libby Christensen won Best of Show at the Prattauga Art Guild Members’ Show in Prattville with an appliqueed, thread-painted, quilted wall hanging called “The Quilts at Poppy Lane.” It’s also featured in the Nancy’s Notion quilting blog and Libby has a video showing it close-up on her website landing page:
Quilt & Tell – Nancy’s Notions ( (scroll down to the farm quilt).

In the same Prattville show, Kelly artist Trish Gober, who has work in the current exhibit, made an honorable mention overall for a painting.
Just this past weekend, Libby Christensen won “Best of Show” at the Elmore County Art Guild’s summer show in Wetumpka, this time with a photograph.

Teresa Wamble, a sometimes Kelly contributor, took 3rd place overall in the Wetumpka Show.
We are very proud of our artist friends and associates as they are rewarded for their fine work.