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High School Students Rock!

The Kelly’s latest exhibit was the annual “Aspiring Inspirations” show, comprised of work by Elmore County high school art students, including not only Wetumpka High School, Elmore County High, Stanhope High, and Holtville High, but also those from Jasmine Hill Studio, which often caters to home-schooled students. An amazing 69 young artists shared their work in oil, acrylic, painting, pen-n-ink and other mediums.

Avery Sharp–Best in Show “Water Lilies,” by Alyssa Spaulding

The overall Best in Show winner was Avery Sharp, from Wetumpka High School (above). She’s clearly an aspiring artist and clearly inspired by Monet with her large acrylic “Water Lilies” canvas. While Avery’s work was not for sale, several students sold their work and will take home money instead of a canvas. In some cases, it may be the first art sale of many to come.

Another winner, Rebecca Burke, from Wetumpka High, won lst place for a pen-n-ink titled “White Flower.” First place in oil and acrylic painting went to Lily Southwick for “Crown Misplaced.” She studies at Jasmine Hill Studio. Bella Brown, from Stanhope, scored a first for a multi-media piece called “Behind Brown Eyes.” The final 1st place was secured by Jessica Hunt from Elmore County High School; hers was digital, “His Soul.” This range of winners proves there is some wonderful artistic talent all over Elmore County!

There were also some pieces that didn’t quite win but couldn’t be overlooked. An Honorable Mention went to Averie Jones from Stanhope High for pen-n-ink “Cat City.” Another pen-n-ink also made Honorable Mention: Emma Watts from Wetumpka High with an untitled work. Des Thurmond, from Elmore County High, made Honorable Mention, too, with “scratch art,” in “Dream in the Woods.” McKayla Newman of Holtville High did a drawing of “Anxiety Monster,” which made the final Honorable Mention. Again, the wins were well distributed throughout the country.

It must have very difficult to judge these works. Art is subjective; judging is subjective. And ALL the students are talented and should be commended for their work. It was delightful to see the gallery filled with their paintings and drawings.

Aspiring Inspirations reception by Alyssa Spaulding
