Already know the basics of oils and ready to kick it up a notch? Learn how to create a moody landscape utilizing various techniques and tools. Alisa will show you how she takes a photo reference and modifies it before painting. She will then walk you through the stages of her oil painting process to get intentional results. You don’t have to toss everything you know out the door. We are going to give you several tips to take away. A basic understanding of oils is required for this class.
Please bring your own:
- Two oil primed canvas panels (no bigger than 16×20 and no smaller than 9×12)
- Photo Reference(s)
- Palette
- Palette Knife/Knives
- Preferred brushes (hog hair, synthetic, and sable mixes)
- Arches Oil Paper (The Kelly provides a limited supply available to share)
- Preferred Oil Paints (Professional grade recommended), particularly:
—– Ultramarine Blue
—– Cobalt Blue
—– Alizarin Crimson
—– Cadmium Red
—– Cadmium Yellow Light
—– Cadmium Yellow
—– Titanium White
—– Transparent red oxide or equivalent
(The Kelly has a limited supply of the above colors available to share.)
Available Shared Supplies:
- Painter’s Tape
- Tabletop Easels
- Paper Towels
- Gamblin Gamsol
- Chip paint brushes
- Assorted, various paint brushes
- 24 sheets of Arches Oil Paper
- Palette Paper
- Plastic palette knives
- Limited oils paints:
—– French Ultramarine
—– Titanium White
—– Alizarin Crimson
—– Cadmium Yellow Hue
—– Cadmium Yellow Light
—– Cadmium Red Hue
—– Cobalt Blue Hue
—– Transparent Red Oxide
—– Burnt Sienna