View our list of current sponsors.

WEWA Festival 2022
We are so grateful to our sponsors who support The Kelly's programs and events so that we may better serve the visual arts communities within the River Region and beyond! We would not be able to host this festival celebrating wildlife and the arts without you!
Sponsorship Levels
- Retriever $5000
Kelly "Benefactor" Membership
Eight Tickets to the Festival Finale at Provisions Cheese and Wine*
Two Tickets to the Exhibition Celebration Dinner at Alabama Wildlife Federation NaturePlex
Behind the Scenes Meeting with Mike Stewart and Chris Hastings
Access to VIP Hospitality Tent
Sponsor Recognition - TV, Radio, Magazine, Billboard, Digital, Print, Website, and Event Signage
Custom Festival Gift Package
Two Commemorative Shirts -
Setter $2500
Kelly "Patron of the Arts" Membership
Four Tickets to the Festival Finale at Provisions Cheese and Wine*
Two Tickets to the Exhibition Celebration Dinner at Alabama Wildlife Federation NaturePlex
Behind the Scenes Meeting with Mike Stewart and Chris Hastings
Access to VIP Hospitality Tent
Sponsor Recognition - Radio, Magazine, Billboard, Digital, Print, Website, and Event Signage
Custom Festival Gift Package
Two Commemorative Shirts - Pointer $1000
Kelly "Advocate of the Arts" Membership
Two Tickets to the Festival Finale at Provisions Cheese and Wine*
Two Tickets to the Exhibition Celebration Dinner at Alabama Wildlife Federation NaturePlex
Access to VIP Hospitality Tent
Sponsor Recognition - Billboard, Digital, Print, Website, and Event Signage
Custom Festival Gift Package
Commemorative Shirt -
Hound $500
Kelly "Advocate of the Arts" Membership
Two Tickets to the Festival Finale at Provisions Cheese and Wine*
Two Tickets to the Exhibition Celebration Dinner at Alabama Wildlife Federation NaturePlex
Sponsor Recognition - Digital, Print, Website, and Event Signage
Custom Festival Gift
Commemorative Shirt - Spaniel $250
Kelly "Friend" Membership
Two Tickets to the Exhibition Celebration Dinner at Alabama Wildlife Federation NaturePlex
Sponsor Recognition - Website and Event Signage
Commemorative Shirt
Interested in Sponsoring the WEWA Festival?
If you’re interested in becoming a part of this amazing wildlife arts festival, please contact us! Feel free to fill out the form here, and we will reach out to you. Or you may call us directly at (334) 478-3366 or email us at [email protected].