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TWK–Join Sylvia

Join with Sylvia McConnell, beloved educator and founding Kelly Board member, in supporting high school student artists who’ll be attending college. In her memory, the entire Kelly population voted to initiate a Sylvia C. McConnell Scholarship. Each year, a student is selected from entries from surrounding high schools. During the May Tuesday with Kelly, May 16, the winner of the 2023 scholarship will be revealed. As usual, come at noon, bring a lunch; The Kelly provides a drink and sweet.

This $1,000 scholarship is for a senior who attends an accredited high school in Elmore County and plans to study art in college. Unlike many other scholarships, the Sylvia McConnell Scholarship is not necessarily geared towards academic achievement.  We award this prize to a graduate who plans to study art in college and who is passionate about pursuing art as a career.

In Sylvia’s honor, The Kelly Board has sequestered special funds to continue to give this scholarship in perpetuity. If you’d like to join Sylvia, you can make a special donation and ask that it be applied to the scholarship fund. Also, the proceeds from the sales of our Fitzpatrick paintings prints go directly to the scholarship fund. Like J. Kelly Fitzpatrick himself, we aim to encourage budding artists.

