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Step Up, Volunteers (PLEASE!)

The Kelly Center for the Arts has some of the most loyal and giving volunteers in the region, who are very much appreciated. Look what we’ve accomplished with all your generous support. But now it’s CRUNCH time. We expect to start moving THIS MONTH, especially last week!! So much to wrap and transport.

Alyssa Spaulding, Registar, and “maid-of-all-work assistant” confessed that she and Jennifer Eifert, Director, are feeling a little overwhelmed with the amount of art, kitchenware, supplies, and furnishings that will need to be moved to the newly renovated building. Are we going to let them do it by themselves??? Absolutely not!! They will need some strong arms. Also people to help watch, wrap, unwrap and move things around. Sign up!! Let them know when you can help. Keep your ears open for the fluid dates.

It doesn’t stop with the move! Have you SEEN the space and all its nooks, crannies and rooms? Neither the director nor registrar is full-time. They truly need help manning the center. Even when working, they can’t be in every room at all times. If you’re not comfortable doing sales, you can help by being a watcher/chatter/docent.

If you’re interested in teaching classes, we’ll have the space and time available. Please check with Alyssa to note what you’re comfortable volunteering to do–for the move or for later, regularly or occasionally–and she’ll accommodate you! [email protected] and see Click for VOLUNTEERING.

New Building Floor Plan
