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Raising Art-Lovers

Very few people will ever make a living off fine art. On the other hand, beautiful art pervades our culture, and most parents want to raise children who will appreciate and respond to art. There’s a huge benefit in encouraging creativity at every level.

The Kelly reaches out to even the youngest with the Art Start program for preschoolers. This month, we welcomed 11 little ones with their parents (or other chaperones). Art Start introduces them to basic art skills and concepts. What a wonderful time to enhance their growing minds. Find the program at 10-11 a.m. on the third Wednesday of each month. No charge.

As they grow, The Kelly continues with Kelly’s Kids Town program, conveniently timed AFTER school, 4-5 p.m., on the 4th Thursday. Again, this arts and crafts program has no charge. It’s part of a community reach-out to all students enrolled in local schools or home-schooled.

The Kelly also is happy to host groups of youngsters. In fact, this spring we were thrilled to have ALL the fourth graders in Elmore County come, bus by bus, bringing hordes of eager young minds. They toured, listened, and then drew their own experiences, papering the walls of the children’s room. The “wall paper” is taken down now, but it’s been preserved in a notebook because it’s so precious.

Also, we had the Gifted and Talented Students visit last month. Whether the groups are large or small, we are happy to accommodate visits and tailor them for the age range. Contact the office for more information (334) 478-3366.
