Kelly’s Kids always have a wonderful time creating original art pieces. Whether at the 1st Thursday outdoor Community Markets, 4-7 pm, the summer camps or during special events, such as the upcoming Wildlife Arts Festival, The Kelly sets up tables of free activities especially chosen for the younger set.
Why? BECAUSE art is not only personally pleasurable, but it provides really important lessons for children. They learn to first follow instructions, then branch out with their own creative ideas. They learn about drawing, cutting, gluing, which are important motor skills. They are introduced to theme, color, balance, and personal expression, which are brain activities. Most of all, they are encouraged to be creative, a necessity in a changing world that craves innovation.
Unfortunately, not every school hasave a budget or will to provide enough art opportunities. The Kelly is helping step into the breach in our community by looking for ways to address the kids. Director Jennifer Eifert works with scout groups and home-schooled children for special projects, and she makes up a cute Scavenger Hunt during every exhibit for the young and young at heart.
Join us. Bring in your youngsters or come help us at the kids’ table. It’s not hard, and it’s very rewarding. Just ask Lynda Fain or Carol Hickman, who have led in these efforts. We could use some more volunteers to help create the happy faces below. How can you resist? –L. Christensen