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Actually, it’s not here yet, but there are some plans afoot to add another AC unit. For those 300 people who braved the Grand Opening, you know very well that it’s needed on a 98-degree day with that many visitors! Also, there are plans for UV-reducing tint on the big back window. However, that means mo money, mo money. You can help by making a contribution to the capital campaign renovation fund. We’re coming along brilliantly but still need some help.

Donate or pledge here–THANKS, YOU’RE SO COOL!


Despite the blistering heat, the Grand Opening was a grand success. We had more visitors than ever; some came from Birmingham and Selma as well as Montgomery. They were really impressed, as well they should be. Our President Belyn Richardson, Kelly Board, Director Jennifer Eifert and Registrar Alyssa Spaulding have been working their hands to the bone to get everything done in time.

Thanks to all the donations, grants and community support, we’ve made a dream come true.

The Weldon brothers and wives from Birmingham