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Kudos to Jennifer and Alyssa

Congratulations are in order! Because of Jennifer Eifert’s excellent work as the Kelly Curator this past year, the Kelly Board has promoted her to Executive Director. The difference is that a curator looks after the artwork and plans exhibits while the Director is in charge of all day-to-day activities. She will still work very closely with the Board, but she’ll have more responsibility (and we might have to start saluting and calling her ma’am!)

Jennifer almost single-handedly rescued the “Pokv-Hvcce: A Gathering at the River” last year when the local tribe was unable to do it due to a Covid 19 outbreak. She personally called all over Alabama to get the collection of knives, beads, clothing, and other Native American art. Then she had to drive all over as well to pick up many of the items. Later, she had to pinch-hit when one of the Native American speakers was unable to attend Tuesday With Kelly; she gave a lively impromptu presentation.

She’s worked energetically to host several outstanding exhibits throughout the year, and she is constantly networking with other art galleries and organizations as well as with artists. She has also helped with the grants. Much of The Kelly’s success is based on her hard work.

However, congratulations also go to Alyssa Spaulding, who was promoted to be official Assistant to the Director. Jennifer says they are a team that shouldn’t be parted. Sidekick Alyssa steps in to help with computer apps, social media, and spreadsheets, which Jennifer admits are not her forte. Meanwhile, Jennifer speaks to groups and makes cold phone calls, which Alyssa prefers not to do. While they work together to hang the exhibits, Alyssa truly takes to the ladder and measuring tape with alacrity while Jennifer would rather keep her feet on the ground and handle a myriad other details.

The woman knew each other before becoming interns at The Kelly because they were both pursuing a certification in Museum Studies at Auburn University Montgomery. Their first intern positions were unpaid because they received credit for the time as they learned first hand. The Kelly quickly learned the value of their help and started paying them part-time salaries. Now they have become true bricks in the foundation of The Kelly and are well deserving of their promotions.
