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Join the Kelly Artists

Interested in displaying your art?

Exhibit with The Kelly

The Kelly is a 501(3)c arts organization dedicated to promoting our local and regional artists.  As such, we have several options for artists to exhibit their work at The Kelly Fitzpatrick Memorial Gallery. 

Exhibition Opportunities

The Kelly organizes themed exhibitions between four to six times a year.  These are generally open calls to the public, unless otherwise stated. We invite visual artists to submit their artworks to us for these exhibitions.  We are open to any visual arts medium, whether traditional and experimental.  

  • Each exhibit will have a different theme, and we ask all entries to be related to that theme. 
  • Artists may submit up to nine (9) entries to us for review, and artists should include images of your entries with your application form.
    • Oftentimes, we receive more entries than we have space.  So we will review all submissions and then contact back with how many/which pieces we wish to accept for the exhibition’s duration.  
  • Unless specified otherwise, our exhibition opportunities do not have expectations for medium, style, or techniques. 
  • There is no fee to submit or enter.
  • Exhibition entries are open to professionals and amateurs alike.  Any minors (19 years and younger) who wish to enter must provide proof of parental consent.
  • We accept artworks from all over the United States, but priority will be given to Alabama artists and artists of the Southeast. 
  • You may submit artworks that are for display only as well as artworks for sale.
  • We ask all accepted artworks to remain in our care during the entirety of the exhibition’s duration.  However, we also understand that things happen, so you may contact us if you wish to request a special exemption.
  • COMMISSION:  The Kelly’s gallery commission is 25%.  The Kelly includes the costs of credit card fees within this 25% commission, so the artist is remit a true 75% of their artwork’s sale.

Please reach out to us at [email protected] for the next exhibit’s details, prospectus, and/or application.

Artist Associates Program

We have dedicated wall space for these artists’ artworks, which are displayed year-round and are not limited to themed content.  This program is reserved for paid “Artist Associate” Kelly members, who must submit an application to be considered.

  • Accepted Artist Associates are granted 30” wide x 40” tall wall space within the gallery to display their 2-D artwork(s) year-round. These artworks do not need to fit the main exhibition’s theme, whether it be subject, style, or medium. 3-D objects are accepted based on available space, which may change per main exhibition and may be displayed in the Museum Shop area. PLEASE NOTE that the above (including the size of the space allocated) is experimental and subject to adjustments/changes in the future.
    • Within the 30” wide x 40” tall wall space, artists are limited to a maximum amount of six (6) total pieces at a time. This is to ensure proper spacing within the space itself as well as enough spacing from their Artist Associate neighbors.
    • 3-D artwork or fine crafts that do not require wall space do not have the same six (6) pieces restriction.
  • We rotate these pieces at least once a quarter to encourage art sales.  We will also reach out to artists as their pieces sell to bring another to take its place.
  • Up to twenty-five (25) artworks per artist are displayed on our website under: “Artists” and “Art for Sale.”
  • Artist Associates receive either free or discounted rates for Art Classes and Demonstrations.
  • Artist Associates have access to Studio Days and Art Talks for free.
  • Paid program.  The Artist Associates program is restricted to The Kelly members for a minimum tier of $150 a year. 
  • COMMISSION: The Kelly’s gallery commission is 25%. The Kelly includes the costs of credit card fees within this 25% commission, so the artist is remit a true 75% of their artwork’s sale.

Please reach out to us with any questions or requests for more details. 

Program full, Waitlist Available


Special Events

The Kelly will often have special one-time or annual events that are open to artists.  These are open to the public, unless otherwise stated in the event details.  Some special events include Wet Paint sales, 8×10 Day (annual August 10th event for 8″x10″ artworks), Alabama Plein Air artists collaborations, among others. 

Keep an eye on our Events Calendar for these opportunities and details.

Thank you for your interest!

Please contact us at [email protected] or (334)478-3366 if you have any questions or would like to request more details.  We hope to see you soon!