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Previous Exhibitions

“Art is a nation’s most precious heritage. For it is in our works of art that we reveal to ourselves and to others the inner vision which guides us as a nation. And where there is no vision, the people perish.”

–Lyndon Johnson, on signing into existence the National Endowment on the Arts

A Retrospective Louise Everton was a prized artist, diligent art organizer, and dear friend of many of the Dixie Art Colony artists, including Fitzpatrick himself. She was known for painting...
Since 1985, the Elmore County Art Guild (ECAG) Annual Show has showcased and rewarded the finest artists in our region. What began in Jo Glenn’s living room has now become...
The Kelly is proud to partner with the Alabama Farmers Federation and Alfa Insurance in presenting an exhibition of the landscapes that shape our lives. The Southeast is aflush with...
Local and regional artists of all different kinds will come together to bring you unique artworks and craftsmanship that truly make one-of-a-kind gifts for your loved ones. The Artists’ Market...
Celebrating our local and native wildlife, The Kelly is hosting two art exhibitions simultaneously this Fall, Art Gone Wild, and the Alabama Wildlife Fine Art Competition. This 2024 year marks our third annual...
The Kelly is proud to partner with the Air University Library (AUL) on Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, Alabama. Local artists put to canvas and paper what service means to...
Since the creation of fire, humans have spun stories of the fantastical, the mythical, and the unknown. Fiction has long allowed us to express complex emotions and ideas through entertaining...
The Watercolor Society of Alabama (WSA) was organized in 1939 by the artists of Alabama, none too few of whom were also part of the Dixie Art Colony. Our namesake...
The Kelly is working together with local Elmore County high school educators for our annual Student Art Show.  Come celebrate these amazing young artists as they take the opportunity to...
Troy-Tutwiler Gardening & Art Program The Kelly will be exhibiting artwork from the Troy-Tutwiler Gardening & Art Program! About the Program Dr. Sharon Everhardt and Dr. Stephen Carmody of Troy...
noun. “The place or point of entering or beginning.”– Merriam-Webster Thresholds hold an allure that is hard to resist. A gateway, a start of a journey, the beginning of an...
Gifts Made by Local artists! Oil paintings, jewelry, pottery, photography, pastels, quilts, ornaments, knits, cards, and more!