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Preparing for Art Gone Wild

November 5, the date of the huge Wetumpka Wildlife Arts Festival, is nigh. You can see here from the photo of his recent blue bird, that David Foote will be joining us again with his fabulous detailed sculpture. In fact, he’ll be doing an actual demonstration of his wood cutting. The photo below is also recent work. (Both photos from his Facebook page.)

David Foote’s new cardinal (with a seed!)

Some of our Art Associates will be joining the Plein Air artists and be painting out and around town. Others will have craft/artisan booths in the big vendors’ tent.

Our friends from the zoo will also be painting with their feet or other parts of their anatomy, and other four-legged sporting dogs will be on display as well.

Watch for more information as this continues to develop. We have many sponsors, notably Smoot Harris family, who are making all this possible. In the meantime, on display in the Kelly, we’ll have an amazing array of wildlife in paintings and sculpture.

What we really need now are helpers around downtown to deal with the crowds. Please contact director Jennifer Eifert if you could possibly donate a few hours to assisting in this awesome event. Call (334) 476-3366. We really need our members to come forward!
