for Elmore County Art Guild 40th Anniversary Show.
Yes, indeed, former mayor Jo Glenn started a guild 41 years ago. The group displayed their first show on the backs of chairs. For many years, they did their show/competition in bank lobbies. Now, for the very first time, they’ll be exhibiting at The Kelly for a month. Some of the best artists in the community will have art for sale. There will also be a total of at least 18 cash awards in four categories.
The guild is open to all artists and art lovers over 18, not simply Elmore County residents. Dues are $35 a year, and members may enter two pieces for $10 each (to defray the cost of the awards) . Purchase Awards and donations are also being solicited to help pay for the refreshments.
The reception and Award Ceremony will be at the Kelly (301 Hill Str) in Wetumpka on Sunday, March 16, the day before St. Patrick’s Day, 2-4 pm, so expect green cake, (but not green wine!!) Everyone is welcome.
If you want to join and enter artwork, please contact President Libby Christensen at [email protected] to get the forms. Then you simply show up with the paperwork and cash or a paper check on Monday, March 10, 10:30-4:30 at The Kelly (or contact Libby if you need to drop off another time).
The guild meets the second Wednesday of Sep-May, usually at Coaches’ Corner for lunch, followed by a meeting and program. They also have a a current display at the Wetumpka Depot Players Theater but can’t wait to show at the beautiful Kelly Center for the Arts, with the best view in town!!