Over 200 Kelly supporters rode the elevator up to the elegant penthouse of the Wind Creek Casino to enjoy a delightful gathering. Such a gorgeous evening it was on Mardi Gras Tuesday, warm and balmy enough to truly enjoy the large balconies overlooking the river as the sun set.

As the glittering crowd poured in, they were given numbers, which were later used for the exciting Art Pull. The casino provided appropriate refreshments, including not only meatballs and chicken skewers, but special mini muffaletta sandwiches and scrumptious King Cake. Meanwhile, the saxophone on the upper floor livened the atmosphere with mellow melody.

Activities included a mask contest, with Carol Jean Singleton winning first place with her carved wooden masks for herself and her husband Nick. Second place went to Libby Christensen for her papier mache, fabric, bead and hair concoction.

Everyone talked, ate, and some danced. The most exciting moments, though, for everyone seemed to be the Art Pull. Thanks primarily to our Art Associates, plus some other donations, there were 140 pieces to choose from. People were placed in groups first, then random numbers were pulled, giving every couple an opportunity to select from a large variety of work. While some were disappointed to have missed their first choices (and possibly 2nd and 3rd as well), others clearly felt they had won a special prize! As they left, there was one more wonderful surprise–a specially engraved wine glass for every guest!

Overall, a great night, which raised over $18,000 to help pay The Kelly’s bills. Thanks, everyone! Couldn’t do it without Charlotte Whetstone’s hard-working Special Events committee, donations from local businesses, and especially the extremely generous donation of the venue and refreshments by the Wind Creek Casino.