Most of our 20+ Art Associates met over a charcuterie board and voted to begin monthly Studio Days and have quarterly speakers on art subjects.
With Kelly Intern Alyssa Spaulding working to organize the meeting and send out surveys, the Art Associates were very happy to meet each other and talk about some subjects of interest. One particular area was having an opportunity set aside to work together. The decision has now been made to try the fourth Mondays, 11-3, starting Apr. 25. Most said they wouldn’t mind having visitors come through and watch, but that’s something that may need more evaluation.
Also Alyssa will be finding a speaker for the first Art Talk, currently scheduled June 9, Thursday, 6:30-8:30 p.m.. More information will be sent by email as that date is firmed up.
We have a wonderful group of artists associated with The Kelly, offering inexpensive but very accomplished works. We have approximately 100 on display in the gallery, but there are many more for sale on The Kelly website and quite a few NEW pieces if you haven’t looked in a while. You can pay via the website and pick them up at the gallery. As always, a commission goes to The Kelly for each sale. Go to to select from a truly varied group of paintings and other pieces. Here are just a few of the newest ones: