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Art Associates Gather Awards

Many of our Kelly Art Associates are active with regional art guilds, and some are winning coveted awards. Let’s congratulate them!!

John Perdue scooped up several awards at the Society of Arts and Crafts and Prattauga Art Guild.

John Perdue stands beside his 1st place papier mache piece at SAC’s Gallery. Above center is Libby Christensen’s prize-winning quilted wall hanging of “Live Oak Bay.” Donna Pate also made an Honorable Mention, below, for her charming painting.

John also won big, both a 2nd and a Purchase Award, at the Prattauga Art Guild show with his quirky piece on the right. Also winning there was Marty Woodall, who got a 2nd for HER quirky painting!

Libby Christensen’s “Bridge over Troubled Waters,” above, took a Merit Award at Prattauga as well. She also won a 1st place in Prattauga’s summer show for her “Bundle of Blossoms” lap quilt below.

Most of the winning art is offered for sale. Just contact the artist to find out more.
