Engage, Inspire, and Advance the Visual Arts.

The mission of the Kelly Fitzpatrick Center for the Arts is to engage, inspire, and educate artists and the public at large by promoting local and regional visual arts through the collection, recognition, documentation, and the publication of relevant works of American art.

The Kelly's Annual

Sylvia McConnell Scholarship

What's Happening at the kelly

Upcoming Events

WhAt the kelly has going on


Flying Goose
All year, preparations have been made for Wetumpka's annual Wildlife Arts Festival and The Kelly's Art Gone Wild exhibit; this coming Saturday, October 19, is the day. The Kelly's wildlife exhibit is …
The Kelly Gets Patriotic
The Kelly is now working with the Air Force! There is a current exhibit called "The Art of Service" in the Air University Library on Maxwell Air Force Base. The director was very thrilled to work wi…
Art Associates Gather Awards
Many of our Kelly Art Associates are active with regional art guilds, and some are winning coveted awards. Let's congratulate them!! John Perdue scooped up several awards at the Society of Arts an…
Fantastic Summer Reception
Just a glimpse into the Fantasy and Fiction Reception for those of you who missed it! It was a hoot with many members becoming living art. Who's your favorite?? …

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